it's dangerous giving me a blank onesie. but, this turned out to be a good crime.
of LaUgHinG for the very first time! Too cute!
p.s. the darling quilt is made by my wonderful mom. of course!
So, no, we're not pregnant and we're not moving or something crazy like that... we're just nuts over this little girl and every tiny thing she does! :) hA!
So, sorry to disappoint if you were thinking it was something even more glorious than that! Don't worry, team, I totally caught it on film. Be impressed. We always have our camera at a moment's notice. And, only if you promise to turn the volume down completely on the video, then you can watch it. Seriously, I remind myself of a chipmunk and don't want you to have to subject your ears to it. But, what can I say, I guess I am a dweeb. Luckily, Tillie doesn't know any better. So, it's all good.
Here she is on her 3 month old birthday! We decided to celebrate by reading a book for the very first time. We thought this one would be the most appropriate. Sweet Laura, one of Em's BFF, sent this book to us!! And, it is out of print, so she had to look extra hard for it! We LOVE it! Matilda was enthralled the entire time. And, being that last night was the first time she laughed when Aaron was tickling her, we thought it was eXtRA special. Thanks, Laura!
video was supposed to go here, but i can't work the internet.
p.s. Aaron was wondering if I had made it harder for her by making her roll on the bed. Is seems like it is easier to me. What do you think? Would the floor be easier? Well, she's a champ, either way.
Now, before you view this last picture--- No, it isn't how our bathroom looks everyday. Let me explain. Remember Hurricane Dolly? yeah, we do too. Only because the newscasters told us that because of it, we'd be getting tornadoes. Yes, I said tornadoes. First we were on "tornado watch" --- which has happened many times since we've lived here. But, then they said that we were having a "tornado warning"--which is a much bigger deal. Then the map on the tv said it was heading right in our area. Next thing I know, the weatherman is telling us to go into the innermost part of our homes, and we'll know if it is there if we hear a "train like" sound outside. He suggested the bathtub with a blanket on top is one of the safest spots to go. Yeah, the warning was up/on for a few hours. Can we say "scared"? yes. thanks.
Well, being Matilda's 3 month birthday, I wanted to make sure she lived to see her 300 YEAR birthday, so I didn't take any chances. Here's the bathroom. Kajsa and I kept texting back and forth during the storm. I eluded to the fact that I had a few "emergency essentials" in the bathroom with us, but I don't think I told her that I had our 72 hour kits in the hall too (it was a big box and didn't fit comfortably in the bathroom with us).
Team, I was afraid. I am not a dork. Take special note in the picture below a few "essentials" like our extra hard drive, cell phone charger, file of important papers, cds with more photos, scriptures for some light reading, :) , diapers, toothbrush & paste for fresh breath and some comfy blankets and pillows. You can never be TOO comfortable in a tornado, right?
Well, the storm passed and I didn't have to duck into the tub with my baby. But, it made me think twice about what I would do in an emergency. I need to assemble a 72 hr. kit for Matilda! I don't think she'd eat the granola bars in mine at this point. :)
wow. big post. hope you enjoyed the craziness.
Now, before you view this last picture--- No, it isn't how our bathroom looks everyday. Let me explain. Remember Hurricane Dolly? yeah, we do too. Only because the newscasters told us that because of it, we'd be getting tornadoes. Yes, I said tornadoes. First we were on "tornado watch" --- which has happened many times since we've lived here. But, then they said that we were having a "tornado warning"--which is a much bigger deal. Then the map on the tv said it was heading right in our area. Next thing I know, the weatherman is telling us to go into the innermost part of our homes, and we'll know if it is there if we hear a "train like" sound outside. He suggested the bathtub with a blanket on top is one of the safest spots to go. Yeah, the warning was up/on for a few hours. Can we say "scared"? yes. thanks.
Well, being Matilda's 3 month birthday, I wanted to make sure she lived to see her 300 YEAR birthday, so I didn't take any chances. Here's the bathroom. Kajsa and I kept texting back and forth during the storm. I eluded to the fact that I had a few "emergency essentials" in the bathroom with us, but I don't think I told her that I had our 72 hour kits in the hall too (it was a big box and didn't fit comfortably in the bathroom with us).
Team, I was afraid. I am not a dork. Take special note in the picture below a few "essentials" like our extra hard drive, cell phone charger, file of important papers, cds with more photos, scriptures for some light reading, :) , diapers, toothbrush & paste for fresh breath and some comfy blankets and pillows. You can never be TOO comfortable in a tornado, right?
Well, the storm passed and I didn't have to duck into the tub with my baby. But, it made me think twice about what I would do in an emergency. I need to assemble a 72 hr. kit for Matilda! I don't think she'd eat the granola bars in mine at this point. :)