dear team...
Well, today is Halloween. All Hallows Eve? I don't even know what to call it, but I do know that I have a BUNCH of candy...lots for the kiddos in the neighborhood (and let's be honest, mostly for Aaron and me...oh, and while we're being honest, this is our 2nd round of candy. We made the mistake of buying the first round a few weeks ago. Yeah, you can figure out why we needed a 2nd round).
That brings me to the topic of Halloween candy. Which do you buy for the kiddos? If it was up to Aaron, we'd be giving them all Tootsie Rolls. Can we say, "Gag" ? Yes. I mean, I love an occasional Tootsie here and there, but come on...that's like the houses that would give you a little thing of smarties. You're face drops and you have to say thanks, but we all know, Smarties are the worst treat of all. One or two Tootsies rank right up there.
So, what did we get? And when I say WE I mean, ME. The kids are in for a real treat this year...the leftover Tootsie Pops that Aaron and I did not eat from the first round (yes, he did win a few weeks ago, we got the tootsies. ha! the joys of being an adult), Kitkats, 3 Musketeers, Hershey Bars, and...yeah, that's it. We did have Mike & Ike's at one point, but alas, no more. Sorry all you trick or treaters out there. You missed out.
Ahh, I remember the days well of dressing up, replacing the little plastic pumpkin bucket for the pillow case, running from house to house so we could get more candy in a smaller amount of time...those were the good days. I am sad to report, this year, Aaron isn't even dressing up.
BUT! I will say that we did dress up the other day. We had a Murder Mystery party at one of our friends' houses (was that grammatically correct right there?). We forgot our camera for the bulk of the evening, then ran to grab it in the car and only had enough time for a few shots of us. Hence the pictures posted above. (Aaron loved his hat and suspenders from WalMart...can we say LOVED them? yes.) But, Jami did a good job posting. Here's her link. It was pretty fun.
So...with that I say Happy Halloween to y'all. Hope you don't get tricked...only treated. I got tricked already this morning. We keep water in the leftover milk cartons (yes, we clean them out first, duh!) and when I was pouring my liquid onto my brand new cereal (Oatmeal Squares) I looked down and realized it was indeed water I was pouring. Sick. I know. But, I was able to salvage the cereal.
Don't stress, guys. It's only Halloween. Things like this are bound to happen.
Ta ta!
Ta ta!