Monday, July 13, 2009

Matilda's birthday, part 2.

yes, mind REELS that there could be more pictures of Tillie celebrating her birthday, but there are. These are from the actual DAY of her birthday. A true-blue-one-year-old.

I tried to think of all the things that she would choose to do, if she had the option to fully communicate. And, I decided an extra bath in the morning would be a fun surprise for her (it is probably her most favorite time of life). As luck would have it, her birthday fell on a Friday, and Aaron happened to have that day off for Fiesta! LUCKY! So, we BOTH gave her a bath. Here she is playing.

This picture is from the night BEFORE her birthday (oops, out of order). It just so happened that our friend, Tim-bo shares Matilda's birthday week. So, we took our free Red Robin gift certificates to go have a night out. Pretty cool. And, the Nielson's love a good burger too, so we went and had some fun.

Okay, here we are, back on the actual birthDAY, at H-E-B picking up some darling little cupcakes, in honor of the big day. Had to get a picture of her in the cart. She loves toodling around at the grocery store.

For the main event, our families pulled a fast/easy one, and decided to invite a few friends to Long Horn to for some delicious burgers (yes, that means we had major hamburgers TWO days in a row---maybe not the best plan for our arteries) in honor of Tim and Matilda. Then we provided the treats. Easy cheesy. The restaurant has the space (unlike our houses) and they also like to clean up the mess afterwards! :) Gotta love that.

Here are some pictures of the birthday girl. And, for some reason, the AC wasn't working well on this side of the restaurant. Let's just say, we were all sweating to death. That is why Tillie starts to look really uncomfortable in a few of the shots. :)

not quite sure if she wants the crown on.

still not quite sure.

crown's off, feeling good again.

"ok, can we be done now?"

Morgan saves the day. Matilda loves him! Which is funny, because she usually has this "stranger danger" attitude. But, whenever Morgan holds her, she just lays down on his shoulder.
Here she is with darling Kate (his little girl) and they are just a few days a part, no less!

The MAN of HONOR. the big birthday boy, Tim-bo.
(hA! sorry Tim, that's the ONLY shot I have of you! hAA!
I guess you can tell who I was most wanting to take pictures of! hA!)

Dylan & Jaylie helping cheer her on. I don't think Matilda's ever seen a candle that close to her face. Hilarious.

okay, there is ONE more set of pictures from the birthday. don't be haters. just lovers.

good. thanks.


Katie said...

Quite possibly the cutest baby and one year old birthday outfit I have ever seen (except maybe mine ;-)

melody said...

oh that baby is far too cute!! love her!!!:):):)


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