I was SO happy that my mom "stopped" in on her way home from the HUGE Quilt Show in Houston. She and some of her "gal pals" by way of "SEW much MORE" quilt group (whoop whoop ladies! hoLLah!) went down for a few days to bask in the beauty and fun of fabric and, of course, the art of quilting.
Seeing that my mom picked up a BUNDLE of wool felt for me, I will support MANY a trip for her in the future. Gracias!
We, in true Denise fashion, accomplished TONS in her short stay. As many of you know, Denise is the project queen. The big feat for us this time was PROJECT PREPARATION---as in food storage. With all of the tornado scares we've had, my mom has been petrified for our little family. She believed that if disaster were to strike, we'd be (in her words, not mine) "up a creek without a paddle". Hence, Project Preparation.
Please see exhibit A.
Multiple (36) cans were packed by us and darling M. Jessop up the street (how we roped you into staying the ENTIRE time, I don't know! Sorry!) in our garage. Items packed? I knew you were curious: rice, flour, sugar, dried milk (who knew such things existed?), oats, macaroni, and spaghetti. I was feeling like I was quite the "storage" woman by the time we were done, but apparently this was "a drop in the bucket" (again, Denise's words, not mine) to what we should have. 36 big cans really isn't going to sustain us for too long. But, we both agreed, some is better than none.
Now, where to put these blessed cans? Storage space doesn't just appear, does it? Yes, with Denise it does (sorry, mom, I keep referring to you by your given name... i don't know why). So, we ran to WalMart (our one-stop shop that will one day take over the world) to get some bed raisers. Yes, friends, our bed got a lift---like many a big truck here in Tejas. After the mega lift, we suddenly had a whole "queen size" area of empty space. Perfect for some canned goods.
Also, you may notice the beautiful new headboard? Yes, that is NEW, but not. We have this great room divider and it was great in our last apartment, but now it has just been sitting in the corner of our living room. Well, my mom had the AMAZING idea to pop it in behind our new "lifted" bed to create a headboard that I have so desperately been wanting! can I get a what?! what?!
Really neat. We love it. However, I did take me a few tumbles out of bed when I went to get Matilda in the wee hours of the morning. A few bruises. No broken bones. All's well.
We attacked another "shove it and leave it" space for me and now it is a well-organized-Tupperware-dream-boat. And, we even attacked the shoe "drop spot" in the garage. Again, my mom was worried that I would "trip and die" (yes, again, her words) with the babe in arms---so, we attacked that area too.
One of these times, I'm going to have EVERY SINGLE aspect of my life organized, so that when my mom comes to visit, she can have a vacation of sorts and just spend time with her darling grand baby. One of these times... not sure when... but one day... :)
And, I apologize. I forgot to get out the camera for my mom's ENTIRE stay!!?? So, I only have the bi-products of her stay. SO SORRY!
Introducing, again, my eldest sistah Em. She came and overlapped for a day with my mom! NEATO! How did that happen? We really don't know, but it was great! We celebrated the occasion by heading up to the San Marcos outlets. We always luck out on those trips! It was great to finally have some companionship while shopping. I am always a second guesser when I am by myself. I like to have a support team when I shop.
Anyway, it was great!
Although, we never seem to have enough time at the outlets. This time was no different. We had to get my mom back for her afternoon flight. But, we all left with some great items in hand (thank you, dad!!!---he treated Em and I to a fun surprise b/c he wanted to make sure that we didn't feel left out after we had found a bunch of DARLING clothes for my mom. How sweet is that?? I love that guy!) and Matilda was a dream!
a perfect chance to Journey to Atlantis on his own, while the lines were so short.
What he is doing with his hair in the top right of the boat, I'm not quite sure.
He chose this specific spot, b/c he was sure he wouldn't get wet.
Nope. He still got pretty darn wet. Sorry.
Now, for em's visit---let's just say, she is not a "project" master. :) hA! Although, I did catch her a few times trying to chuck some of my "scrap" paper and other things in the trash! She does have a lot of "Denise" in her and likes things to be orderly. Luckily I caught her in time before she threw away my hour log for work and my stamp box.
Golly. These women in my family. I swear. Can't leave them alone for a second.
Because she did all the work already, I'll let you read her recap on the visit. Thanks, em. We had a lot of fun and when she was leaving, we were both thinking, "why has this never happened before??" I love my family and love when they remember to come visit me. Subtle hint, again.
Probably the big highlight with Em was shopping in Boerne (no time constraints) and the chillax day here at the house eating carmel apples and decorating ornaments. I think I might put some of them on Etsy for a few bucks to see if they sell. We LOVED doing that.
THANK YOU to the both of you. Let's do it again. Very soon. (not so subtle hint).
shut up. Did I mention that we can't be friends? It's true... I can't have friends that are craftier than I... it might make me look bad.
Love the ornaments. Love the headboard.
Wow!! Melissa you are looking AMAZING!! I haven't seen you without Matilda in front of you! You look amazing!! I am way impressed. Congrats on working so hard.K'
Will you maybe just come visit and make my apt. look as cute as your house? Thanks. Be seeing you soon.
Love the ornaments! you Snyder girls have such talent!
Melissa, you are seriously beautiful!!! All of these pictures of you...from Boston and from when Emily was visiting. Wow! That's all I have to say about that. Wow.
Anyway, lucky on two accounts, a fun trip and fun visitors. I wouldn't mind a few visitors in my neck of the woods sometime. It really is great to have people come, the visits are always too short. We need to talk someday. Okay? Okay.
can i tell you how much i laughed!??!??! i love you! you are the laugh in our laughter around here!!
i need you LOTS!
love, em
MY grandmother (you know Marmee) has a bird EXACTLY like that -- and I assure you, it will not be thrown away. In fact there will probably be fights over it. Chillax Aaron :)
I definitely think you have a future in ornaments...think of what coton colors sells for!! and yours are just as cute...if not more!! :)
Wow! You have been one busy girl. Good times with your fam.
we miss you three cant wait till Xmas
From Adam
The ornaments are fab.
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