okay, we took a lot of pictures recently. so, instead of bombarding you all with ALL of them, i thought it best to stagger them out a bit. I'm saving the BEST for LAST, just like Vanessa Williams (love that now the song is stuck in my head, thanks Vanessa). So, the next time I post, you will die. You were warned.
nuff said.
But, these are pretty cute too. When I was still pregnant and my mom and Lizzy were in Tejas, we decided to go to the outlets and shop till I dropped (literally). While there, we found this DaRLinG hat. Unfortunately, it fits her right now. Did I mention that it is 90 degrees outside. Darn.
Well, we'll be able to use it a week and a half. Why? Oh, cause we are "...leaving on a jet plane..."---don't be haters, but we just HAD to buy a delightful tickets to good 'ole Beantown. Why they call it that, I don't know. But, when we find out (which I'm sure we will), I'll give you the low down.
Yes, folks, we're heading to B.O.S.T.O.N.
and yes, we are bringing Matilda. Lots of people seem surprised when we tell them she's coming. What else would we do with her? Leave her home? :) No way. I'm too excited to put her in her new little coat and have her wear her little hat.
More details about the grand event to come. But, let's turn our attention to the little one again, shall we? Good. Here she is, showcasing her little hat... with her purple onesie (remember? it's really hot outside---hence, the lack of clothing).
She's either bright eyed and WIDE awake or asleep. I swear, there is no in between.
I came across these two images as I was scrolling through our pictures. Aaron and I laughed so hard when we saw it. I cropped myself out of it, but to set up the story: I was next to her on the laptop and she was NOT happy that I wasn't paying attention to her. Love her face.
sorry, honey. don't be such a hater.
and yes, those are her crazy long socks pulled up over her pants. aren't tights all the rage again?
this is our version. we're fashion forward over here. proof of that in the very last picture on this post.
Now, these next ones are my favorite too, because this is our life pretty much each Sunday evening. We make the rounds through the neighborhood and lots of times, if we're lucky, we pick up a few crazies along the way. Here they are. Love this shot.
Who's who? From the left to right: Kip, Aaron/tillie, Tim/easton, Kajsa (9 months pregnant and you can't even tell from this picture! she is SOO ready to have this baby!!)/jaylie, and Melissa/dylan. Not pictured? me. But, not for long...
in a word? Awesome. outfit.
rock on, melissa. rock on.
o it makes me so sad to see her when she is crying!!! man did i ever tell you how badly i miss being in texas and seeing tillie and you and aaron!! and all of your friends? well i really do miss it. she is such a cutie and i love that hat!!
Aunt Lizzy
the best aunt ever!!!
Great post Melis. So I would like to thank Emily for purchasing those pants and then when she realized she didn't want them- she gave them to me which I enjoyed for a little while and now not only do you have them but you have posted them to the world. These pants are truly a story of our sisterly wardrobes. Maybe: Sisterhood of the traveling pants?
PS My niece is adorable. Remember that picture with Aaron's head- most beautiful baby face known to mankind. The other day I opened up the picture of her with the pink pants on and she is smiling so so big (last post) and I take it around on my laptop around the center and this one boy literally was speechless he said wow that is really the most beautiful child I have ever seen. I almost started crying because he was stunned- I was like "I know right? I am so glad you feel the same way." So go Tillie. we love you here!
She is such a cute baby. I'm amazed you can get her to smile for the camera, Jaylee still won't do that. Hope you are doing well. What are you going to Boston for?
Really? You are going to Boston? I missed the news of that somewhere along the way. What is the story there? You are the traveling fool!
I love all of the darling pictures and the fun stroller pictures too. Way to capture the moment for us!
Gotta love the pants..don't worry there will be many more unflattering pictures of you as a parent.
Also get used to diasppointing your baby. It happens on a faily regular basis around here
Have fun in Boston, luckies!
Wow! Lots and lots of stroller pushing, baby having couples in San Antone! How fun that you all live in one big happy neighborhood! You will cherish the dental school mems foreva! Tell Aaronias Alooooooooooooha from us! Have a swell time in Bean town!
p.s. I think you will be gone when Chris is there. He and his friend are coming for the ADA. I wish I could join them, but too bad soo sad, I will be starting classes tomorrow and therefore a busy school girl.
I only wish he could bring some Tex Mex home for me, but he informed me that it would never make it home on the plane and I agreed that it would be very gross! Oh well, next trip. How long are you staying in Boston?
She is so cute! One of these days maybe I will get to meet her in person!
so many cute pictures! love the hat on her! darling!
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