Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the end of the day...

well, here we are...aaron on his laptop and I'm on his old one...both on the world wide web...both wasting time. (just for a little bit). Aaron is having a hard time finding motivation to study when a new version of Google Earth is available. Apparently our house is now visible and it isn't just a dirt mound now. Really great. (yawn). So, I thought, hey, it would be a good time to update our friends and family. So, this is me...updating.

Aaron only has one more month (exactly 30 days) till the end of his first semester at dental school. Is that strange to anyone else but me? I mean, he is pretty much half way done with his first year. At this rate, the four years are going to fly by. Right? Yes, say right.

Me? I am working, I don't come home as exhausted as I used to, but, I have to say, I am usually wiped out by the end of the day...not a lot of motivation to do things, except for things like creating blogs and new websites. Luckily, I have been able to use the time after work for LOTS of projects for my little company. I have lots of things to now put ON the website, but the problem is creating the website itself. Ha! Details, right? I didn't realize the time involved--I mean, I had an idea, but didn't really know. If you want to check it out, my website is Hopefully it just created a link to it. I worked on it for the past few days, but it isn't loading correctly. If you just went to it, it probably said something like "website coming soon"...which is true! It is coming soon! Get excited.

Aaron and I took a day and went to Austin a little bit ago. We went for a exhibition of the Gees Bend Quilters that is a link to that show. It was really fun to go play with Aaron. It is great having your best friend ALL of the time. I mean, we have so much fun, even when we are just both sitting at the kitchen table gmail chatting with each other. He's a good one, that boy. I'm glad he's here. No, I'm really glad he's here.

Here is the lovely state capital that aaron and I took a "sort-a-kind-a-tour"...we started with the real tour guide and then decided to leave and discover the capital in our own way. It was fun, a little scary, but fine. I was worried that we weren't supposed to go to certain "wings" and Aaron was charging along, lookin' like he owned the place. It was a good day in our lives.

Anyway, that is all I feel like writing right now. Lots of love to you. Oh, and in case you were curious...I don't think we were breaking any rules going into this press room. The lights were on and the door was open? We are good kids. Law abiding kids who can't vote because I forgot to mail back in our voter registration here. Oops.


Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Hey it looks like you guys are having a blast! So great to hear it! Keep exploring that gigantic state of Texas....and let us see the pictures. Lots of love.

alpineavery said...

HEY! WOW!! This is so awesome, I will visit you often so hope to see new stuff. When you come out, will you show me how to do all this cool stuff? Mom

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

P.S. Melis, everytime I try to click on the link for your website...not your blog, your doesn't show up. Whats up with that? I would love to see your work. So if I am doing something wrong let me know.

aaron said...

this is so great... you are the best honey!

Anonymous said...

Hey mountain man!!! Grizzly Adams called and he wants his beard back. So you go away to wild Texas and sprout a beard huh? Well I would too 'cept Michelle is averse to facial hair. That and I attend the university where facial hair ranks with genocide on the list of worst things to foster. Any way I think it looks good. It also looks like you folks are having a blast in good 'ol TX. Hope to see you there next year. That is if you can weasel me into the school somehow. (Try this one...break into the school in the cover of night [and in the cover of your inconspicuous fire beard] and insert my application in the file-folder that says "accepted"). Seriously though you guys are a roar and Michelle checks this blog at least four times a day. Keep it up.

Albert Li said...

It's cool!.....


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