Saturday, May 31, 2008
testing out the video
we took matilda to seaworld today. she loved it! ok, actually she slept through the entire thing! we got there about 1 and stayed 'til 3:30. it was really hot. ok, really really hot. no, we did not go to the waterpark side, even though we sweat so much that it looked like we did!
enjoy a little video from the day! (this is our first time posting a real video from us online, so get excited.) we LOVE sea world!!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
update on the yard
Here's a couple shots of the front of the house. One thing you can't see in them that we just did is got a garage door opener! It 's about the most exciting thing that's gone on around here lately. Also, see if you can spot one thing wrong in these 2 pictures. 
That's right! Our flag is hung backwards. When viewing from the front, the stars are supposed to be on the left. So I guess it's ok for us looking at it from inside the house.
preface: As always, feel free to click on the pics for a full screen, HIGH DEFINITION viewing experience
Here's some pictures of the front flower beds. The hanging baskets are the hardest to keep healthy cause you gotta undo the sprinkler to water them.
We were a little worried the geraniums were all gonna die after the first blooms fell off, but they've come back with gusto! (depending on the type, some geraniums are annuals and some are perennials... i guess we'll find out next year what we've got)
These little white flowers, I forgot what they are called, hold on... ok, melis doesn't know either. Well, we are just really impressed how much they've grown.

After we planted these yellow ones we started noticing them everywhere in San Antonio. I think every shopping center might be required to plant them.
Here's the original flowers for comparision
OK - here's some pics for my dad. This first shot is taken about 2 weeks after we planted the grass.
And here's what it looks like now.
I really wish all of it looked like this. This part is along the back fence and looks great. Hopefully one day all of it'll look this good. Don't you want to roll around in it?
And here's a section that is gonna need a little work.
And here's a picture of matilda. She's just started smiling a lot and this is an attempt at capturing it on camera. A failed attempt. But close. Chunk, chunk, chunk chunk chunk. We love her.
preface: As always, feel free to click on the pics for a full screen, HIGH DEFINITION viewing experience
Here's some pictures of the front flower beds. The hanging baskets are the hardest to keep healthy cause you gotta undo the sprinkler to water them.
After we planted these yellow ones we started noticing them everywhere in San Antonio. I think every shopping center might be required to plant them.
OK - here's some pics for my dad. This first shot is taken about 2 weeks after we planted the grass.
And here's what it looks like now.
I really wish all of it looked like this. This part is along the back fence and looks great. Hopefully one day all of it'll look this good. Don't you want to roll around in it?
And here's a section that is gonna need a little work.
And here's a picture of matilda. She's just started smiling a lot and this is an attempt at capturing it on camera. A failed attempt. But close. Chunk, chunk, chunk chunk chunk. We love her.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
snap snap!
Get a load of this tall girl! Yes, the above photo makes her seem REALLY stretched out, because the boppy is underneath her. I love that she shares her mom's interest in musicals (you know, West Side Story?) She is even beginning to do the dance routine from the song "I wanna live in America..." ---notice her little kick action?
Nice work, Tillie Mae. Good going.
Nice work, Tillie Mae. Good going.
is some kinda wonderful. Do you love the little double chin action? And her little nose.
It reminds me of these little characters from the Puffs Tissue commercials.

...Now I just have to capture on film her Mickie Rooney face. hmmm...
peace out for now, muchachos.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
party people in da houuuuse!
I have been wanting/trying to update this blog for a while now, and finally had a chance today. I know you have all been super anxious for a new post, right? Don't deny it. We all know how it is---clicking on the blog that you hope has been finally updated, only to be disappointed... yet again. Don't hide it, we are all blog stalkers. I get it.
So, be proud. I'm still here. Yes, our little family is all accounted for. We've made it through the first 4 weeks of Matilda's life. If that isn't an accomplishment enough for you, then this next tidbit of info. will be. I am blogging about it. one handed. be impressed. still haven't won your approval? well, get this... i am also bouncing on our pilates ball too.
I knew I'd get you in the end. If that isn't a true sign of a mom (you know, the whole multi-tasking thang) then, I don't know what is.
So, here are s'more shots of the babe in arm's room. No, we're still not there yet. We've been working on a big painting for above Tillie Mae's crib and then, on that same wall I have a 3 framed delight from Lyssa that will soon grace the wall's presence. Oh, and a few other frames are still not filled and I have yet to finish some birds I'm making... But! we are getting close.
(she had her 2nd PKU test that morning, so that is why it looks like she was in a street fight...
you know the kind, in da hood).
Aaron just painted it white, and I can't believe how much better we like it! Pretty fun with the scallop edges.
if you want to see the others in more detail, feel free to click on the picture at the very top of the post.
in like an hour?? We went through and chose some of my most favorite pieces of fabric and
he cut them out and sewed them up! I am IN LOVE with it! Thanks, Mom!
***side note! Notice the big blue pilates ball that is our BEST friend. Seriously, it is Matilda Mae's SURE FIRE way to calm down... she LOVES it. I will be addressing my "favorite things" in mom-hood in another post. This will DEFINITELY be on that list.
First time/Long time parents, get excited!)
to identify what is in the baskets. But, for now, it is cute for "cuteness" sake.
Oh, and I know you love that little puppy dog peeking out to say "oh hey!" --- yeah, me too.
the crib was in the way). I have a bunch of birch ply wood hanging around and decided to stain it
and make something fun. We were totally into the whole "collage" thang. If you couldn't tell.
And, I have a die-cut machine thing and used the little "tag" die to create Matilda's name. I don't know if it is too weird to have them hung like we did. But, for now, it is what it is.
(thanks pottery barn for the inspiration).
So, there you have it. A new view of Matilda's room. I still have to finish some things, but we are ALMOST there! Peace out for now, folks.
p.s. when I just clicked on some of these images to enlarge them, I noticed many of them are SUPER grainy. what?! SICK! I know. I think the problem happened because I posted them with a "medium" resolution on this blogster stuff. Sorry. That stinks. But, I really don't feel like REposting them, so, team, I apologize for that.
p.s. when I just clicked on some of these images to enlarge them, I noticed many of them are SUPER grainy. what?! SICK! I know. I think the problem happened because I posted them with a "medium" resolution on this blogster stuff. Sorry. That stinks. But, I really don't feel like REposting them, so, team, I apologize for that.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
the many sides to matilda...
ok, team. well, i assure you that it has been worth the wait. I know, I know, you have all been DYING to see more pictures of the doll face.
I never disappoint, you know? (that last sentence was meant to be spoken with an accent).
why have I waited so long to post? well team, it has been busy around here. I know, mind reels that it could be busy, but alas, it is true. We have been having parties a minute around here. After my mom left on Tuesday evening, the 6th, Aaron's mom, sister Kirstin and her 10 month old Max came to visit. As I type, Aaron is showing them a good time out on the town. Yes, you guessed it, they are at the infamous Alamo and Riverwalk. I have an outing scheduled with the wee one tonight. She is going to meet all my fun co-workers at a little get together. We have her outfit all picked out and it is sure to be a good time.
But, before that happens, I thought I'd let you see some cuteness. READERS BEWARE!!! there are SOOOO many stinkin' cute pictures of this Matilda Mae, you might die of happiness. But, don't say I didn't warn you.
this one is just DARLING! did i mention that Lizzy made this headband for her?? sooo cute. good work, lizzy.
ok, this isn't the best shot with great lighting, and yes, there are the remote controls well within my reach---
but I couldn't resist having Aaron take a picture of this little elfin girl yawning.
look how stiff she looks! this outfit couldn't fit her better if I wanted it to! And look at that face!?!
yes, she has grown an inch too! our little bean pole.
Grandpa Wood had strict orders for K and Kirstin to buy a toy truck of some sort for Tillie in order to "man her up a bit"---here's what Kirstin found. Take special notice that it is the GraveDigger monster truck. How would I know that? Remember Aaron and my 3rd anniversary post? yes, Tillie already has a special connection, b/c she was there experiencing the magic, only it was in the womb. Nice, Kirstin, nice.
our own little Rastafarian. oh my word. too funny.
she's even making the face I would have chosen her to make for this pose. golly, she is good. and at such a young age? i know. awesome.
**ok, this is a "rastafarian" for those of you, like my sister Becca, who doesn't know what one is. Think Bob Marley, team. Got it? For some reason I feel like this image is a little out of the ordinary... you know, for a 3 week old baby photo montage. Whatev.
I never disappoint, you know? (that last sentence was meant to be spoken with an accent).
why have I waited so long to post? well team, it has been busy around here. I know, mind reels that it could be busy, but alas, it is true. We have been having parties a minute around here. After my mom left on Tuesday evening, the 6th, Aaron's mom, sister Kirstin and her 10 month old Max came to visit. As I type, Aaron is showing them a good time out on the town. Yes, you guessed it, they are at the infamous Alamo and Riverwalk. I have an outing scheduled with the wee one tonight. She is going to meet all my fun co-workers at a little get together. We have her outfit all picked out and it is sure to be a good time.
But, before that happens, I thought I'd let you see some cuteness. READERS BEWARE!!! there are SOOOO many stinkin' cute pictures of this Matilda Mae, you might die of happiness. But, don't say I didn't warn you.
but I couldn't resist having Aaron take a picture of this little elfin girl yawning.
yes, she has grown an inch too! our little bean pole.
she's even making the face I would have chosen her to make for this pose. golly, she is good. and at such a young age? i know. awesome.

Well, there you have it. I have MANY more pictures, but here are some of the favorites from the last little bit. Remember how tomorrow she will be 3 weeks old? WHAT?! I know. Nuts. She is still perfect. We love her to death. We melt every time we see her. Lots of love for this little girl. Lots and lots of love.
I'll be posting the updated room pictures that my mom, lizzy, and I did and then also some more of the Wood's visiting. Get excited. Oh, I already know you are. Okay, bye for now.
I'll be posting the updated room pictures that my mom, lizzy, and I did and then also some more of the Wood's visiting. Get excited. Oh, I already know you are. Okay, bye for now.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
ok, it's time to explain.
well, here we are on day 9 of Tillie Mae's life. Feeling good. Ready to type. Ready to explain the whole labor/delivery situation that took place. I feel like I have TOLD the story a billion times, and if you have heard it already, feel free to skip ahead and just look at the darling photos of our sweet baby cakes. Okay? okay.
So, here's the 411:
Wednesday 6:30 a.m. -- alarm went off to wake Aaron up for school and I was already awake feeling killer contractions in my back. (mind you, I was used to the whole contraction situation, they had been going on for days (some braxton hicks, others timed out and were bad, but they kept stopping after an hour or two)---these ones were so bad they would wake me up and it was shooting pain in my back too. So, I get up with Aaron and we pull out the clock to start timing. Sure enough, they were going every 5 minutes, on the dot.
7:00 a.m. -- I reluctantly let Aaron go to school and he has his phone ready to answer the second I dare call. (we were told to not start going anywhere until the pain was so bad that I couldn't talk/do anything during the contraction, so he went).
8:00 a.m. -- called the Dr. on call at my dr's office and she told me to not stress until I go to my appointment at 10:30 and can be checked by my doctor... that is, unless I didn't feel I could wait any longer. She also said to get a ride ready, just in case.
8:30ish a.m. -- call Kajsa to be on stand by. So sad that I woke her up, but I thought it was better to give her a head's up rather than call last minute for a plea to take me to the hospital.
waiting. waiting waiting. Contractions, still every 5 minutes exactly. Aaron was able to speed through one of his labs and be home by 9:45 to take me to my appointment. Kajsa was off the hook, Aaron was by my side... feeling good (Except for the contractions, of course).
10:30 a.m. -- Dr. said that I had not dilated any more (still at a 1, grrr! and had been for the last two weeks), but I was 90% effaced. She told me that she could have me admitted next door at the hospital then, but thought it would be better for me to "labor" at home where I could still eat and drink and be more comfortable. But, she did reassure me that we would be having a baby within 24 hours and if nothing else, she would see me the next morning around 7:00. !!! We left feeling relieved and celebrated with a Chicken Breast fillet sandwich & Frosty at Wendy's (I had to gear up! who knew? it could have been my last meal for a while!).
12:00 p.m. -- Aaron drops me off at home, gets me settled and goes back to school for a quiz. Nice. Kajsa, again, is on standby. My mom is freaking out in Alpine and I am still dying over the contractions.
I watched Gidget Goes Hawaiian and ate some food... tried to get comfortable and waited.
5:15ish p.m. -- Aaron gets home from school. The contractions are worse now, but I can still barely talk. We call the Dr. on call, and she said it is wise for me to come in.
6:30 p.m. -- Check into hospital. The nurse who had to see if I was "fit to be checked in" was SUPER rough and grrrr!---I wanted to give her a piece of my mind. Let's just say I was SOOO mad and ready to bite her head off. Fortunately, she saw that I was in mega pain and decided that they would admit me. And did I mention she gave me some morphine? I felt much better after that, and for some reason, wasn't so mad anymore.
More labor. More ouch-ness. Cried a bunch. Waiting. Meanwhile, the pain was getting REALLY bad. The morphine had worn off and finally at around 1:30 a.m. they checked me and saw that I was 100% effaced and had finally dilated to a 3. Now I was a candidate for an epidural. YeSsss PLeAsE! Ok, what do people do without an epidural??? I mean, it was amazing!!! I kept thanking the anesthesiologist and praising her name. It didn't hurt at ALL! She was incredible (found out later she had been doing it for 18 years. Love that). The medicine was incredible. And the pain just slowly went away. Love that. After that I was able to go to SLEEP! So nice, and Aaron slept too. Suddenly this labor stuff wasn't so bad.
8:00 a.m. -- My doctor came to check on me and was right. We were definitely going to be having a baby within her said time-line. Love that. She was really nice and super aware of me. Throughout the span of the morning, she kept checking back and looking at my progress for herself (even though she had appointments all morning). We were making SLOW progress. By that time I was only at a 4 or 5. She decided to give me some pitocin to see if we could speed things along.
Sometime later I was killing on my left side. Thinking the epidural had worn off, we upped my dose... but later realized that it was my sciatic nerve having a ... something? it was KILLING. I think it was worse than any of the pain that the contractions were giving me. And the epidural wasn't deadening the pain at all. So, that stunk. I kept making Aaron rub it as hard as he could---later I saw that I had a major bruise. :) Thanks honey.
1:30 p.m. -- Are you tired yet? Yeah, we were too. 30 hours had came and went... still no baby in sight. The doctor came back in, checked me out... I was dilated to a 9 and the baby was "very low" but it was crazy that I had moved so slowly. My contractions weren't strong enough, and the doctor said that my body was going to need to compensate for it and push even harder to get the baby out. Nice. Tell that to me after 30 hours. I was exhausted and felt like I was ready to die. Tell me that I was going to have an even harder time than most to get the baby out.
Then the doctor realized that the baby was actually occiput posterior (aka sunny side up), meaning that she was facing my belly button instead of my spine. Hence, the reason my body didn't want to deliver her. So, seeing the whole situation, she decided that we were going to go ahead and have a c-section. My body had been working so hard and even though the baby's heart beat was still so strong and constant, she worried that there could be major complications if I tried to deliver her vaginally. So, c-section it was.
Aaron and I were a little sad, but I think mostly relieved. Poor Aaron had been glued to the monitors watching to see if my contraction levels were getting higher to no avail. We were glad that they were finally going to get this little one out!
2:00 p.m. -- Aaron went to change into a white willy wonka jumpsuit (looked SO handsome) they shoved a beautiful blue cap on my head (Gag, nice pictures, eh? It was about ready to fall off when Aaron took some pictures of me, so beautiful). And they pumped a different kind of medicine in me and took me to the O.R. By this time we were on our third anesthesiologist and he was really nice. Offered to take lots of pictures to record the event and was very friendly. My dr. had another dr. come into assist so she could help push the baby up from the the birth canal (or something down there) while my doctor pulled her out from my belly!... and the NICU team was on hand because apparently the baby had already pooped inside of me and they were worried about that. I love that the staff were counting all the tools to make sure that none of them got stitched up inside of me. (ps - this is aaron - i got to be there the whole time and watch them pull matilda out; then pull out melissa's uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and all; then pull the placenta out of the uterus. it was crazy seeing melissa's uterus completely outside of her body!)
2:33 p.m. -- Yep, that was the time of Matilda Mae's birth. She was finally here. The nurses all exclaimed that she had a head full of red hair. (yeah, it has a little bit red tint, in the sunlight, but definitely isn't red red. kind of funny). She had a major divot in her head from being down so low, but it went back to normal shape after a few hours. She cried. Aaron was crying and saying "Oh my goodness!" and I was in shock. Happy shock, but really was just... in a weird state. (Any moms out there know what I am talking about??) So relieved, however, that she was here and they said she looked great!
***YOU MADE IT! *** That was the story. After 31 hours of labor (yes, we are counting EVERY single hour) Tillie Mae came to us. 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 20.3 inches. She is perfect. She is totally perfect. We love her SOOO much and spend lots of time crying out of the blue because we are so overwhelmed at her perfect-ness. She is beautiful and we are so happy she is ours. I love that I get to kiss her as much as I want!
Aaron is so great with her. She always seems to stop crying when he holds her. She sneezes in twos, just like her dad. Her toes are crazy long... looking like mini mini fingers, just like her dad. (seriously, it is nuts...I am going to take pictures to prove my point).
Basically we love her more than we ever could have imagined. So, go ahead and enjoy these pictures of her in what I fondly call the "Lace and Ribbons with Chef Hat photo shoot." Enjoy.
love our family of three.
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