Sunday, August 26, 2007
beauty pagents and sugar consumption.

Saturday, August 25, 2007
this is me, updating our blog.
what's new? why am I not making time for these normal "essentials" in my life? :) well, the fact that Seminary starts Monday (dom dom dommmm---can you picture me saying/singing that?). The fact that I'm heading over to the new store (for those of you who don't know the ins and outs of my life, I have been working at a stationery store as their graphic designer for the last year, and the owner is opening up a new store and I get to go and be there in a brand new space and be the graphic designer over there). This next week we are going to be unpacking boxes, organizing and literally, "setting up shop". And then, just life. You know? Sometimes it can get crazy in a "blink of an eye". (i feel like I am using so many colloquial-isms today).
I mean, it is 5:40 a.m. right this minute. I have been awake since 4:37 a.m. Don't feel bad, I don't. Actually, it is kind of nice being up so early and being able to do whatever I want, because normally, I would be asleep. It's just one of those times where you wake up because you have so much going on in your mind. I'm sure you've experienced the same thing. It's a nice thing to use the brain more than I normally do. :)
Anyway, I just wanted to drop a few lines. Say, "hey!" and apologize that it has been a while. I know what it's like to click on the blog link and say, "Come on, update your page already!"
Before I leave, I wanted to give a personal SHOUT OUT to Adam, Aaron's brother. He just got home on Thursday from Brasil (they spell it that way down in South America, so I should too). :) Even though I was asleep when Aaron was talking to him and the rest of the family that night (mind you it was 8:45 ish p.m.---see I told you that I'm not normal right now), I am so glad that he is home and the Wood family is complete for a minute. So, Bienvenidos Adam! That is in spanish, not portuguese, sorry...but it's all I know. :)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
eww. so, you want to hear a sick story? I'm sure you are saying to yourself, "Yes, please." ok, i'll tell.
So, it was about 2:00 this afternoon and I was typing via Google Chat to Aaron at school. He was telling me that he was bored in class, and I was telling him about all of the billions of things I've been scanning into my computer.
I told him, "Huh, I guess I haven't eaten lunch yet." (is that even a word? "eaten") We both agreed that I should go eat. Nuff said.
So, I go to grab my usual for when I'm home and not working, my big bottle of Pace Picante salsa from costco and then the big 3 lb. bag of tortilla strips (also from my favorite store, costco). Today, I decide to get a little gutsy with my sandwich, so instead of pulling out the usual mayo and lettuce, I grab the ranch dressing instead. I know, gutsy, but it was just one of those adventurous days. So, I do that, add cheese and turkey and put it in our toaster oven. Nuff said, right? Wrong!
As I am sitting down at the kitchen table with "Return to Me" on in the family room, I start eating my chips and salsa. Alls well, until I feel a little "tickle wickle" on my hand. I look down at my wrist to see a little black ant. "Huh?" I thought to myself. "How on earth did a little black ant get up here, did climb all the way up my body?" and then I look at my plate!!!!!
CHIPS COVERED IN ANTS!!!!! I was so into the movie and my normal routine that I didn't even LOOK to see what I was shoving in my mouth! WHAT?! EWWW SICK! I notice I have a weird after-taste in my mouth and I think to myself, "How many disgusting ants did I just swallow!?!??!??!"
gag. gag. gag. sick sick sick!
So, I look inside the bag of chips...TONS of ants crawling around inside! Then to my horror, I look at the bottom of my pantry and see even more crawling on some cans of food, my beloved 3 gallon vat of Hawaiian Soy Sauce, and other food stuff. Eww.
So, I chucked a few things in a big black trash bag, including a brand-new-never-opened box of Honey Bunches of Oats...Aaron said that I surely could have salvaged that...and that the bag is sealed inside, but I didn't want to open up the box and wipe off any more ants (see they were crawling out of the little seams of the box). EWWWWGHSHsh galskjgal;sdfkja;lsdjkf!!!!!
sick sick sick! just thinking of it all, makes me itch.
Was there a happy ending? Did I get to eat my delicious sandwich in the end? Well, I ate about three bites and had no appetite. So, I tossed my sandwich in the big black bag with the ants...hopefully they enjoyed it as their final meal....because promptly after I squired a bunch of RAID Ant Killer spray in there to kill those little punks.
Die ants, die.
Monday, August 13, 2007
no...we're not pregnant, are you???
the infamous alamo that took entirely too long to stitch.
well, who knew that posting a few random blocks that I embroidered would create such a stir?! not I, folks, not I. I've received phone calls, emails and all sorts of funny comments, and for that, I have to snicker.
Here's the 411...One of my absolute favorite things to do in Utah is to buy more fabric.
Love it. Favorite.
Do you realize how many stores are dedicated to selling ONLY fabric? AND in Utah County alone...it is...well, absolutely wonderful.
My mom, becca, and lizbert (2 of my 3 sisters) were out and about one afternoon and found some clearance fabric at Broadbent's in Lehi (just off of main street). It is that cactus green fabric. So, because we all love a good deal, I bought 3 yards of it. I had some left over brown fabric from a quilt I had made for Kirstin (aaron's sister) and thought to myself, why not make another quilt! I have been making a bright (non flannel) quilt for our bed (try a king size...ahh! way in over my head) and I thought, why don't I practice the actual "quilting" part on this mini blanket before I ruin the one that I'm making for the big time bed. That was my intent. As you look closely, you will notice NO real quilting done. Darn. Yeah, I messed up in the cutting stage. So, I did the old standby "rag quilt".
But is it for a baby? yes.
Mine? Sure, whenever I have one.
Am I pregnant? Nope.
Are you? Let me know.
Should I give it to you? Maybe.
Will I? probably not.
ha! I took those pictures this morning on my front porch. Some of them look like the thread is almost glowing. I don't know why. I am thinking my flash might have been on. They aren't the greatest, but you get the idea. Oh, and don't you love our flag on our front porch? me too. posted with love, from your non pregnant friend, melissa :)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
roar...and other stuff

Sunday, August 5, 2007
24th year of life...ahh, memory lane

I just wanted to do a compare/contrast. Look at my face I made when I was four? And then compare it to last year's picture below. Hmmm...is this the same girl? I think so. (By the way, I LoVeD playing with barbie and ken---and look how cute lil' jesse boy looks in the background).

yep, same girl...20 years later.
Here's a picture from Aaron and I going out to eat yesterday night. It was great, we went to Pei Wei's and then to target for some more AwEsOmE basketball shorts (i'm a total baller now...ha!) And saw our friends there celebrating their anniversary. So, we all decided to go to Cold Stone to finish off the evening. (Actually they had planned on it and so had we! what luck!) It was delicious and really fun company. Then we came home and watched "Music and Lyrics"---pretty cute. I LoVe the song from it. Then fell asleep. It was a good day.
We also had some fun tonight (sunday)...it was a party and a half with my favorite Costco "Great American Chocolate Cake" that I have been craving for MONTHS AND MONTHS. It was really fun, I'll post some more pictures and fun stuff later, skaters.