Ok, look at this adorable diaper cake! Linda and her cute daughter Jessica (and Marilyn too!) created this grand delight! Are you dying like I am? What a fun gift AND centerpiece!So, many of you know that I have been working at a delightful stationery store from the moment we moved to Tejas. When we were looking for houses a few months before the move, Aaron and I went around with my resume' and we looked for a job for me. Little did I know that I would happen into a SUPER cute store, tell the girl that I was looking for a job as a graphic designer, and have her eyes light up and say, "Hey, I am the graphic designer and I am moving! We are definitely looking for someone!" ---that was nice. I gave her my cell phone number and we left.
Got a call, I think the next day, to set up an interview. By this time, we had found our house and were feeling good. I went to the interview and met sweet Bekah (manager) and Missy (the Mippster herself) and it was really nice & went well.
Since Aaron and I had found the house and didn't have much to do, we decided to cross the street and watch a movie. Well, during the movie, I got a call from Missy to say I'd been hired! !!! I went out to the hall to answer the call, and the door guard almost didn't let me back in!
It was a great day and a great trip. Not only had we found a house that we were thrilled about, but we had also found a job that I was ecstatic about!
It has been a great thing in my life to rub shoulders with such wonderful women each day! That is my favorite part of Moon Mippy, the sweet girls I have been able to work with. It is a bitter sweet thing I am experiencing right now. I will definitely miss these EVERYday relationships with these remarkable women. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can't think of anything better than being able to stay at home with this baby, but I will definitely miss these women. Luckily, we aren't moving for a long time, and they know that I will be visiting with a cute bundle in tow... lots.
With that introduction, here are the gals I get to work with. They threw me a shower at Missy's house last week and it was so much fun. All of our get-togethers are so fun. (again, why did I not take more pictures???)
Mandy, Marilyn and Kristen
Missy had mini Boboli pizzas for each of us to design! I was SHOCKED that she knew of my favorite pizza (that I dream about, literally) and had it all planned for the party! And she, of course, knew my favorite toppings! She is so sneaky and great like that! Oh, and check out the darling table. Remember how I love giraffes?? I know. Too lucky.
Here's the group photo! Imagine me in between LouAnn and Mandy. From left to right: LouAnn, Mandy, Marilyn, Linda, Kayla (newest Mippian), Missy, Bekah, Catherine and Kristen. Good times. Good times.
Thank you gal pals. It was a truly wonderful night.