hi. valentine's day is coming. I couldn't be more thrilled. We saw this setting at Pottery Barn kids...so cute.
well, I am sure I could, but...I think it is really fun to make valentines and enjoy pink and red more. Also, this is one time of the year that making and drawing hearts aren't lame.

love that.
on our excursion yesterday, we went to the northstar mall, as aaron put that cute picture on the blog of the HUGE cowboy boots. It is a super fancy mall. Anyway, we went into Pottery Barn Kids...wow, don't go in there if you are thinking about having kids. :) ha. Aaron was playing with all of these neat block toys that they have, I decided our little boy's room will be in rocket or airplane theme....and I know, we could never really afford all that they had displayed, but it is fun to think about. Aaron, of course, thinks that we will have a bunch of boys and we'll name all of them Aaron. That is sick. He says sometimes, "when we all all of our little aaron's running around..." and I say, "you can dream, buddy, but that is as far as it will go."

Do you know that George Foreman has, in fact, done this? Yeah. Sick. I mean, wow. What is his wife thinking? Allowing the madness to happen? Even his daughters carry his name for example, one of his daughters is Freeda George Foreman. wow. lucky. it won't be happening in our case.
anyway, aaron is at a primary board meeting and I am baking a two layer chocolate cake. They had some amazing desserts at the Cheesecake Factory, but we were wayyy too full, so I decided I would make a cake here this weekend instead.
Get excited. Thanks to Whitney, I have a pan set that she gave us for our wedding, and it has two cute little 9" circle pans. AND! I have a cake stand that I am going to display it on. wow. If it looks good enough, i will post it on this thing. cross your fingers.
i will too.
OH! real quick, i just wanted to tell you that aaron and I went to the stake adult dance last night...wow, who knew that dances with tons of moms and dads could be so fun. It was a ton of fun, and Lyssa Terry Zimmerman went with her husband and we went with Kemy and Chris....it was really fun. I forgot how much I LOVE to dance. Aaron was such a GREAT sport. 10 bonus points for him.
Anyway, I want to plan another dance party soon. It could be kind of lame just at our house, but that might be the only venue available. We'll see. I'll let you know. Oh, and you are all invited. Just swing on over to texas, okay?
good. it's a date.