So, Michelle tagged me a while back and I was waiting to post this for a good reason. I figured since most of the responses I'll have are about Aaron, we'd turn it into a tribute of sorts... you know, because it's the man's birthday! For he is a MAN of 26 years TODAY!
In honor of the occasion, please feel free to stroll down memory lane and get a glimpse into Aaron's checkered past. There are many pictures to wow and amaze you... or merely to make you laugh. Ahhh, the many faces of Aaron Wood. Lots of love to the birthday boy!
(who can forget the classic JENGA! face? em hutch, this one's for you!)
How old is he? 26 years old today!!! HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!
(alaskan adventure with the boys... he LoVeS alaska & I'm sure his love started here first with their infamous trip.)
Who eats more? It depends on what we're eating. If it is anything sour, skittle-y, or sugary or something like a huge slab of red meat? Aaron. Hands down. Now if we're talking about chocolate, that's a different story...
(speaking of eating habits...)
Who said 'I love you' first? That would be Aaron. Let's just say, when it came to our relationship, he was always more "ready" than I was. If you want the full story, we can talk later.
Who is taller? Aaron towers above me at 6' 3" on "good day" as he says. On a regular day, he is like 6' 2.5". Luckily, even wearing my highest heels, he still remains inches taller!
Who can sing better? He would say me, only because he chickens out during things like choir practice and doesn't like people to know that he can hold his own. Sometimes he can be a weasel in that regard.
Who is smarter? Street smarts? yeah, me. All the way. Book smarts? that would be Aaron. Well, let's be honest... Aaron knows more RANDOM knowledge than ANYONE I know. (well, his dad is a competitor, that's for sure). He reads more on wikipedia (his true love of life) and a billion online newsreels and retains all that knowledge like you'd never believe.
(i just love this picture... i mean, what a looker!)
Who does the laundry? Pretty much me... although I never can get to the whole "putting it away" stage. I am really good and blitzing all of it and getting it folded... but unfortunately, the job of putting it away sometimes lies on Aaron's head (i.e. when he is sick of trying to find his clothes in the nice neat piles in random baskets) Sorry, dude. I am what I am. :)
Who pays the bills? It was me for about 5 minutes (okay months) until Aaron decided to go "digital" and do everything online. Remember how I said wikipedia is his true love? Quicken might be it's tough competitor. He LOVES figuring out our net worth (which is awesome right now, as you can imagine) and plotting out where all of our money is going. Me? I love it when he shows me the pretty graphs.
(what a cute face!)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? So, if we are looking at the bed, the right side would be me. This way I am closer to the restroom (something that I never cared about until as of late) AND that way he is closer to the window. My theory is, in case anyone tries to break in, Aaron can karate chop his face before they get to me. No joke. I'm serious.
Who mows the lawn? Why don't you ask the man who is in LOVE with his mower? Seriously, I don't know why I don't have a picture of him mowing (aka his favorite past-time). Ever since we became home-owners and got a front lawn (don't ask about the backyard), he decide to invest on the environment friendly no engine, no battery, and no gas operated mower. You know, like the old fashioned kind that clips the grass? Well, that is the one we have, and believe you me, he is the CHAMP in the neighborhood. Many a neighbor has asked to use his beloved green monster, and they all share the LOVE. He thinks its great. And because of that, I think it is great.
Who cooks dinner? That would be Aaron and then sometimes me. You see, lots of times he is home before me, so... by default, he wins. BUT, you see, Aaron really does enjoy cooking and makes these gourmet meals all the time. For example, I say, "let's have some egg sandwiches for dinner" (very common meal at our house). I ask if he wants me to make his, or if he'd like to do it. He wants to make his own. So, I get out the mayo, bread and call it good. Aaron, on the other hand, gets out things I've never heard of -- like paprika, or garlic powder and salsa or bbq sauce and cheese, and goes crazy. He ends up with this major situation... and I sit with my sad little mayo and bread. Yeah, he's crazy like that. So, he gets to cook a lot.

Who drives? With such "sweet moves" (as pictured above) I allow him to be at the wheel. Oh, and how could I deny the one who's life dream is to become a truck driver and drive forever? Not I, friends, not I. (and I'm not kidding about his life dream, ask him about it one day).
Who is more stubborn? Me. Sorry. For once, the answer is me.
Who kissed who first? Aaron kissed me. obviously. :) let's just say, he was my first kiss. When new things happen to me, my stomach takes a hit. I was throwing up in the bathroom all that night. Love you, hon. :)
Who asked who out first? Technically, it was me who asked him out. My friends and I had been planning a magical date in Rach's grandma's secret garden for YEARS (seriously, since jr. high) and we finally decided to do it. So, I called him. When I called, he said "How did you know that I was going to call you? I was planning to ask you out this week too!" (or something along those lines). So, technically it was me. It was a BEAUTIFUL evening!
Who proposed? Aaron. That was a good story too. He is a sneaky little trickster and enlisted my sister in the madness. Good times. I'll share that little tidbit one day. Get excited for it.
Who has more friends? With goggles like those? Who wouldn't want to be his friend?? :) What a guy! We're pretty even. I love that we both like each other's friends so much. And it is fun that we have met so many people that our BOTH our friends. Good times.
Who is more sensitive? ok, that would be me. (i love that the only two questions that have been mine are the "stubborn" and "sensitive"-- nice.)
Who has more siblings? Aaron is one of six kids and I am one of five.
Who wears the pants? Lately? Aaron, because I wear dresses (don't like tightness on my waist right now... you know the whole pregnancy thing). Ha! Okay, I guess this one is me for lots of little decisions (that's what happens when you marry a really laid-back-go-with-the-flow kind of guy). But for big ones, we both share them.
What a strange question to end off with. hmmm... I don't know if I really want to end this post with that. Ahh! Got it!
Who is more excited about the baby? (good question, i know). TIE! We are both thrilled. And for someone who doesn't really "get super excited" that often (aaron), he has been a treat! Just in the middle of no where he says things like, "I can't wait for her to come and play!" or "She is going to be so cute! I can't wait!"--this is huge, my friends. Not to say that Aaron is never happy or is a bump on a log --not at all! But, he just doesn't "exclaim" things very often. He is SOO excited about our baby and I am too! Good times, good times.
ok. It's over. No more. Thanks for reading. Oh, and hApPy BiRthDaY to you, Aaron! You are truly the and I love you forever.
I tag ANYONE who wants to do this same thing. Have at it, my friends! Can't wait to find out more about ya'll.