so, I just realized...I haven't posted for well over a month. I think it is lame when people don't update often (cough cough sarah cough cough) :) jk. But, I took a self check and thought "hey, why don't I take the two seconds it takes to update a do just that..." you can see why I am confused so much of the time. That did NOT make sense.
Anywho. Hi. Lots has happened to Aaron and Melissa since I last posted. We went for spring break to San Fran on an airplane and rented a car to drive up the coast to Portland. From there we flew back to San Antone. Good good times. AND THEN! Michelle and her cute little fam came down to visit that next weekend, and that was a party and a half! And then...we had a 24 marathon with the Nielsen-Bates clan :) We have to postpone watching for really puts a damper in our viewing schedule. Oh, then Easter happened. That was great. Church was great...especially Primary. Did I mention that I am the Primary secretary? Yeah, it is great. Remember how much I love little kids? It is heaven. Except the roll part...I hardly know lots of the parents in the ward, let alone all of their kids. But, slowly, I am learning.
The ones from below were taken on a little side road in Napa Valley, California. Just in a random field. One day, I will have a random field that I plant lovelies in too. Get excited for that day.
Aaron has a mondo test tomorrow. Good luck, kiddo. Becca's birthday is tomorrow. I wish I could make her a cake and decorate it for her and then present it with sparklers as candles. Hmmm...better luck next year? :) This is a SHOUT OUT TO YOU!!!! Lots of love on your 19th birthday! May this be your best year yet!